  • 영문 KINGKONG 킹콩 영화 대사
    column between his knees and turns back towards JACKS Camel ... a BASEBALL IN HIS HAND!! With equal proficiency, JACK jams his control column between his knees and stands, brandishing a BASEBALL BAT! Both pranksters have to fight against the fierce slipstream as MATT THROWS THE BALL.I across fifty feet of sky towards JACK! He prepares to swing, but the ball FALLS SHORT, getting MINCED in JACKS pr
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문 킹콩   영문 KINGKONG 킹콩 영화 대사
  • 영문 The Witching Hour 위칭 아워 영화 대사
    columns.Stained glass. But it is a dying house. Rotted wood. Peeling paint. You can almost hear it wheeze... ANGLE - THE GADEN BEYOND THE PORCH Thick. Lush. Huge flowers flourish. A flagstone walk leads to a swimming pool filled with brackish water and lily pads. A wrought-iron fence encircles the grounds. on the other side, the street seems like another world. BACK TO CARLOTTA AND DIEDRE ON THE
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문 위칭   영문 The Witching Hour 위칭 아워 영화 대사
  • 영문 글래디에이터 Gladiator 영화 대사
    GLADIATOR by David Franzoni FIRST DRAFT REVISED April 4, 1998 FADE IN: EXT. NEAR THE GERMAN FRONT - 180 A.D. - DAWN The rising sun unveils steep hills and luxuriant mountains untouched by man. Snow flurries dart in the frigid air and on the horizon CROWS gather. EXT. DIRT ROAD A column of Praetorian Cavalry flank two enclosed wagons as they rattle along a rock and log accordion road. On all sides
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문 글래디에이터   영문 글래디에이터 Gladiator 영화 대사
  • 영문 ANTZ 개미 영화 대사
    column of soldier ants marching along in formation -- a chain of ants letting down a matchbox elevator filled with workers. Z (V.O.) ...which is kind of a problem, since Ive always felt uncomfortably in crowds. INT. MOTIVATIONAL COUNSELLORS OFFICE - DAY We join Z, a worker ant with issues. Hes lying on a couch, recounting his woes. Z I feel...isolated. Different. Ive got abandonment issues. My fa
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 개미 영문   영문 ANTZ 개미 영화 대사
  • 영문 RELIC 레릭 영화 대사
    filled with dread as he falls to his knees, staring, always staring at THE CRATES... EXT. DOCKS - NIGHT The crew tends to business and the Santa Lucia points out of the harbor, disappears into the night. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. LOUISIANNA COAST - DAY... TITLE CARD... JUNE Squad cars roar down the back roads, sirens flashing. In the center of the column is an unmarked car. INT. UNMARKED CAR - DAY A
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 레릭 영문   영문 RELIC 레릭 영화 대사
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